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  1. General
  2. Configuring your maps (adding & removing maps)
  3. Performance tweaking
  4. Hosting static maps


The configuration files of bluemap are formatted using HOCON. Please make sure you have a basic understanding of how to use HOCON.

If you have no configuration files, bluemap generates example configurations for you when it is starting. In those generated config files every field has a comment above it with what it does, and it’s default value (if it has one). Read those! They’ll explain a lot! :)

Configuring your maps (adding & removing maps)

In your config-folder you can find a folder called maps. This folder contains a .conf file for each map that you want bluemap to render, update and/or show on the web-app.

The name of those config-files (without the .conf-extension) will be the identifier of your map. E.g. you will use that identifier in your commands to select the map. If you rename a config-file, it will be like creating a new map, since bluemap also stores all map-information based on that identifier.

If you want to remove a map, you can just delete it’s .conf file. If you want to add a map, you can create a new .conf file in this folder and fill it with the correct information. The easiest way is probably to just copy the .conf file from the one of the default config-files and edit it to your liking.

Inside each map-config you can change all sorts of map-settings like e.g. the display-name of the map or the order in which the map is shown on the web-app. Just view the comments in the default config-file that bluemap generated for you. Everything is explained there.

Performance tweaking

BlueMap is rendering asynchronously to your server-thread. This means at no time it will block your server-thread directly. So as long as your CPU is not fully utilized, your server should not be slowed down while BlueMap is rendering. You can control how many CPU-Cores BlueMap is (roughly) using by changing the render-thread-count in BlueMap’s core.conf. The more threads you give it, the more CPU-Cores it will use, but also the faster it will render.

Minecraft itself can utilize not too many CPU-Cores. The main server-thread will always only use one CPU-Core, and then there might be some additional usage for world-generation or Network-Threads. But altogether it can’t usually utilize more than about 3 cores. This means you can give the rest of those cores to BlueMap if you want to optimize the render-speed.

If you have 4 or fewer cores on your Server-CPU you probably want to set the render-thread-count to 1. If you still have issues with lag and think it is caused by BlueMap, then you can tell BlueMap to not render at all if there is a certain number of players online: The player-render-limit setting in BlueMap’s plugin.conf controls this.

Hosting static maps

If you have an old map of a world that doesn’t exist anymore or a map that was rendered on a different server, you can still display it on the web-app. All bluemap needs is to know the identifier (see “Configuring the map-storages”) of the map and the storage that it is stored in. So we can just add a new map-config named like the identifier of the map with the only setting being the storage-setting.

E.g. if you have a map with the identifier mymap and it is stored in the storages/sql.conf storage, you can add a new map-config maps/mymap.conf with the following content:

storage: "sql"

And then that map should show up on the webapp.