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BlueMap allows you to add various markers to your map. You can do this either by manually configuring them in your map-config or by having a 3rd-party plugin that uses BlueMap’s API to manage markers.

A list of known 3rd-party plugins that use BlueMap’s API is available here.

  1. Marker Sets
  2. Types of Markers
    1. POI Markers
    2. HTML Markers
    3. Line Markers
    4. Shape Markers
    5. Extrude Markers
  3. Full example

Marker Sets

All markers are grouped into marker-sets. A marker set will be visible in the menu, and all markers in that set can be enabled or disabled at once.

Here is an example config for a marker-set:

example-marker-set: {
  label: "Example Marker Set"
  toggleable: true
  default-hidden: false
  sorting: 0
  markers: {
    # markers go here ...


  • label: The label of the marker-set. Will be used as the name of the menu entry
  • toggleable: If this is true, the marker-set can be enabled or disabled in the menu
  • default-hidden: If this is true, the marker-set will be hidden by default and can be enabled by the user
  • sorting Is a number defining the order that marker-sets will appear in the menu (lower sorting-values come first in lists)
  • markers is the list of all markers in this marker-set

Types of Markers

There are different types of markers that you can use, depending on what you need.

Every marker has:

  • a type property that defines what kind of marker it is
  • a position which is the x y and z coordinates of where the marker (or the marker-center) is placed on the map
  • a label defining the name of the marker. Used e.g. in the marker-list
  • a sorting number defining the (default) order that markers will appear in lists and menus (lower sorting-values come first in lists)
  • a listed property defining weather the marker will be listed in lists and menus or not
  • a min-distance and a max-distance which default to “unlimited” but can be used to limit the distance to the camera at which the marker is shown

POI Markers

The POI Marker is the most basic marker. It’s a simple icon-image that can be placed anywhere on the map. When clicked, it shows its label.


Here is an example config for a POI marker:

example-poi-marker: {
    type: "poi"
    position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
    label: "Example POI Marker"
    # Optional:
    detail: "This is a <b>POI</b> marker"
    icon: "assets/poi.svg"
    anchor: { x: 25, y: 45 }
    sorting: 0
    listed: true
    classes: [
    min-distance: 10
    max-distance: 10000000

Specific POI-Marker properties are:

  • detail is the text that is shown when you click on the icon. This property allows using any html-tags. It default to the label of the marker.
  • icon, which is any url to an image that will be used as the marker’s icon. Can be a local file or a remote url. The image is not resized, so the image should be exactly as big as you want the icon to be on the map. All image-formats that can be used in a html-img-tag are supported
  • anchor. Could also be called “offset”. It’s basically the pixel on the marker-image, that is placed (anchored) at the marker’s position. Often you want this to be the middle of the marker-image. But e.g. if you have a needle as your marker, you’d want this to be the tip of the needle
  • A list of classes that will be added to the marker-element. Useful if you want to style them with custom css or use them in a custom script.

HTML Markers

HTML Markers are used to add any HTML-Element to the map. This gives you full freedom if you want to add just a simple text, any image, a button or even … embed a video ;D.


Here is an example config for a HTML Marker:

example-html-marker: {
    type: "html"
    position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
    label: "Example HTML Marker"
    html: "<div style='line-height: 2em; font-size: 2em; color: white; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'>Example HTML Marker</div>"
    # Optional:
    anchor: { x: 0, y: 0 }
    sorting: 0
    listed: true
    classes: [
    min-distance: 10
    max-distance: 10000000

Specific HTML-Marker properties are:

  • html .. obvious .. is the html-code for the html-element that you want to show
  • anchor. Could also be called “offset”. It’s basically the pixel on the html-element, that is placed (anchored) at the marker’s position. (works the same as on the POI-Marker, just with html-elements)
  • A list of classes that will be added to the marker-element. Useful if you want to style them with custom css or use them in a custom script.

Line Markers

Line Markers do what their name suggests. They are used to draw a line on the map. If you click on that line, it shows the marker’s detail.


Here is an example config for a Line Marker:

example-line-marker: {
    type: "line"
    position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -25 }
    label: "Example Line Marker"
    line: [
        { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
        { x: 1, y: 64, z: -24 }
        { x: 1, y: 64, z: -25 }
        { x: 2, y: 64, z: -25 }
        { x: 3, y: 64, z: -25 }
    # Optional:
    detail: "This is a <b>line</b> marker"
    link: null
    new-tab: false
    depth-test: false
    line-width: 5
    line-color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1.0 }
    sorting: 0
    listed: true
    min-distance: 10
    max-distance: 10000000

Specific Line-Marker properties are:

  • line is an Array of positions that define the line. The line will be drawn between the positions, in their order
  • detail is the text that is shown when you click on the line. This property allows using any html-tags
  • link is an optional url that is opened when you click on the line (or null if you don’t want a link)
  • new-tab defines whether the above link should be opened in a new tab or not
  • depth-test if this is false the marker will always render above all other (hires) terrain. If it’s true, hires tiles will be able to cover the marker if they are in front of it
  • line-width is the width of the line in pixels
  • line-color is the color of the line

The position property of the line marker doesn’t change the actual position of the line, but it is used to calculate things like render-order. Make sure this is always roughly in the middle of the line to have the best results :)

Shape Markers

A shape marker is any flat shape (polygon) placed somewhere on the map. You can use it to mark areas, for example. If you click on the shape, it shows the marker’s detail.


Here is an example config for a Shape Marker:

example-shape-marker: {
    type: "shape"
    position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
    label: "Example Shape Marker"
    shape: [
        { x: 1, z: -23 }
        { x: 1, z: -24 }
        { x: 1, z: -25 }
        { x: 2, z: -25 }
        { x: 3, z: -25 }
    shape-y: 64
    # Optional:
    detail: "This is a <b>shape</b> marker"
    link: null
    new-tab: false
    depth-test: false
    line-width: 5
    line-color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1.0 }
    fill-color: { r: 200, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.3 }
    sorting: 0
    listed: true
    min-distance: 10
    max-distance: 10000000

Specific Shape-Marker properties are:

  • shape is an Array of x,z positions (without y) that define the shape. The shape will be drawn between the positions, in their order, the last position is automatically connected to the first position
  • shape-y is the y-position of the shape
  • detail is the text that is shown when you click on the shape. This property allows using any html-tags
  • link is an optional url that is opened when you click on the shape (or null if you don’t want a link)
  • new-tab defines whether the above link should be opened in a new tab or not
  • depth-test if this is false the marker will always render above all other (hires) terrain. If it’s true, hires tiles will be able to cover the marker if they are in front of it
  • line-width is the width of the line in pixels
  • line-color is the color of the line
  • fill-color is the color of the fill

Extrude Markers

Extrude Markers are the same as a shape-marker, but the shape is extruded between two heights. With this you can mark areas that are limited to specific y-positions.


Here is an example config for a Extrude Marker:

example-extrude-marker: {
    type: "extrude"
    position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
    label: "Example Extrude Marker"
    shape: [
        { x: 1, z: -23 }
        { x: 1, z: -24 }
        { x: 1, z: -25 }
        { x: 2, z: -25 }
        { x: 3, z: -25 }
    shape-min-y: 47
    shape-max-y: 72
    # Optional:
    detail: "This is a <b>extrude</b> marker"
    link: null
    new-tab: false
    depth-test: true
    line-width: 5
    line-color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1.0 }
    fill-color: { r: 200, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.3 }
    sorting: 0
    listed: true
    min-distance: 10
    max-distance: 10000000

Specific Extrude-Marker properties are:

  • shape is an Array of x,z positions (without y) that define the shape. The shape will be drawn between the positions, in their order, the last position is automatically connected to the first position
  • shape-min-y is the lower y-position of the shape
  • shape-max-y is the upper y-position of the shape
  • detail is the text that is shown when you click on the shape. This property allows using any html-tags
  • link is an optional url that is opened when you click on the shape (or null if you don’t want a link)
  • new-tab defines whether the above link should be opened in a new tab or not
  • depth-test if this is false the marker will always render above all other (hires) terrain. If it’s true, hires tiles will be able to cover the marker if they are in front of it
  • line-width is the width of the line in pixels
  • line-color is the color of the line
  • fill-color is the color of the fill

Full example

Here is a full example of how it could look like in (at the end of) your map-config:

# Here you can define any static marker-sets with markers that should be displayed on the map.
# You can change this at any time.
# If you need dynamic markers, you can use any plugin that integrates with BlueMap's API.
# Here is a list:
marker-sets: {

    example-marker-set: {
        label: "Example Marker Set"
        toggleable: true
        default-hidden: false
        sorting: 0
        markers: {
            example-poi-marker: {
                type: "poi"
                position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
                label: "Example POI Marker"
                icon: "assets/poi.svg"
                anchor: { x: 25, y: 45 }
                sorting: 0
                listed: true
                min-distance: 10
                max-distance: 10000000
            example-html-marker: {
                type: "html"
                position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
                label: "Example HTML Marker"
                html: "<div style='line-height: 2em; font-size: 2em; color: white; transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'>Example HTML Marker</div>"
                anchor: { x: 0, y: 0 }
                sorting: 0
                listed: true
                min-distance: 10
                max-distance: 10000000
            example-line-marker: {
                type: "line"
                position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -25 }
                line: [
                    { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
                    { x: 1, y: 64, z: -24 }
                    { x: 1, y: 64, z: -25 }
                    { x: 2, y: 64, z: -25 }
                    { x: 3, y: 64, z: -25 }
                label: "Example Line Marker"
                detail: "This is a <b>line</b> marker"
                link: null
                new-tab: false
                depth-test: false
                line-width: 5
                line-color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1.0 }
                sorting: 0
                listed: true
                min-distance: 10
                max-distance: 10000000
            example-shape-marker: {
                type: "shape"
                position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
                shape: [
                    { x: 1, z: -23 }
                    { x: 1, z: -24 }
                    { x: 1, z: -25 }
                    { x: 2, z: -25 }
                    { x: 3, z: -25 }
                shape-y: 64
                label: "Example Shape Marker"
                detail: "This is a <b>shape</b> marker"
                link: null
                new-tab: false
                depth-test: false
                line-width: 5
                line-color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1.0 }
                fill-color: { r: 200, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.3 }
                sorting: 0
                listed: true
                min-distance: 10
                max-distance: 10000000
            example-extrude-marker: {
                type: "extrude"
                position: { x: 1, y: 64, z: -23 }
                shape: [
                    { x: 1, z: -23 }
                    { x: 1, z: -24 }
                    { x: 1, z: -25 }
                    { x: 2, z: -25 }
                    { x: 3, z: -25 }
                shape-min-y: 47
                shape-max-y: 72
                label: "Example Extrude Marker"
                detail: "This is a <b>extrude</b> marker"
                link: null
                new-tab: false
                depth-test: true
                line-width: 5
                line-color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1.0 }
                fill-color: { r: 200, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0.3 }
                sorting: 0
                listed: true
                min-distance: 10
                max-distance: 10000000